#![cfg_attr(feature = "strict", deny(warnings))]
extern crate iron;
extern crate router;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate csv;
extern crate handlebars_iron;
extern crate iron_sessionstorage;
extern crate mount;
extern crate params;
extern crate percent_encoding;
extern crate persistent;
extern crate rand;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate serde_yaml;
extern crate sha2;
extern crate staticfile;
extern crate structopt;
extern crate time;
extern crate urlencoded;
extern crate webauthn_rs;
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
extern crate postgres;
#[cfg(feature = "rusqlite")]
extern crate rusqlite;
#[cfg(feature = "webbrowser")]
extern crate webbrowser;
pub mod config;
pub mod contestreader_yaml;
pub mod core;
pub mod db_conn;
pub mod helpers;
mod db_apply_migrations;
mod db_conn_postgres;
mod db_conn_sqlite_new;
mod db_objects;
mod webfw_iron;
use db_conn::{MedalConnection, MedalObject};
use helpers::SetPassword;
use webfw_iron::start_server;
use config::Config;
fn refresh_all_contests<C>(conn: &mut C, config: &Config)
where C: MedalConnection,
db_objects::Contest: db_conn::MedalObject<C>
print!("Scanning for contests … ");
let v = contestreader_yaml::get_all_contest_info("tasks/", config);
println!(" Done");
print!("Storing contests information … ");
for mut contest_info in v {
use std::io::Write;
println!(" Done");
fn add_admin_user<C>(conn: &mut C, resetpw: bool)
where C: MedalConnection {
let mut admin = match conn.get_user_by_id(1) {
None => {
print!("New Database. Creating new admin user with credentials 'admin':");
Some(user) => {
if !resetpw {
print!("Request to reset admin password. Set credentials 'admin':");
let password = helpers::make_unambiguous_lowercase_code(10);
print!("'{}', ", &password);
let logincode = helpers::make_admincode();
print!(" logincode:'{}' …", &logincode);
admin.is_admin = Some(true);
admin.username = Some("admin".into());
admin.logincode = Some(logincode);
match admin.set_password(&password) {
None => println!(" FAILED! (Password hashing error)"),
_ => {
println!(" Done");
fn prepare_and_start_server<C>(mut conn: C, config: Config)
where C: MedalConnection + std::marker::Send + 'static,
db_objects::Contest: db_conn::MedalObject<C>
db_apply_migrations::test(&mut conn);
if config.only_contest_scan == Some(true) || config.no_contest_scan != Some(true) {
refresh_all_contests(&mut conn, &config);
if config.only_contest_scan != Some(true) {
add_admin_user(&mut conn, config.reset_admin_pw.unwrap_or(false));
#[cfg(feature = "webbrowser")]
let self_url = config.self_url.clone();
#[cfg(feature = "webbrowser")]
let open_browser = config.open_browser;
match start_server(conn, config) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("Server started");
#[cfg(feature = "webbrowser")]
if let (Some(self_url), Some(true)) = (self_url, open_browser) {
Err(_) => println!("Error on server start …"),
println!("Could not run server. Is the port already in use?");
#[cfg(feature = "webbrowser")]
fn open_browser_window(self_url: &str) {
match webbrowser::open(&self_url) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => println!("Error while opening webbrowser: {:?}", e),
fn main() {
let config = config::get_config();
if config.version == Some(true) {
println!("Medal version {}", &env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
println!("Using config: {:#?}", config);
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
if let Some(url) = config.database_url.clone() {
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
print!("Using database {} … ", &url);
#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
let (begin_middle, end) = url.split_at(url.find('@').unwrap_or(0));
let (begin, _middle) = begin_middle.split_at(begin_middle.rfind(':').unwrap_or(0));
print!("Using database {}:***{} … ", begin, end);
let conn = postgres::Connection::connect(url, postgres::TlsMode::None).unwrap();
prepare_and_start_server(conn, config);
#[cfg(feature = "rusqlite")]
if let Some(path) = config.database_file.clone() {
print!("Using database file {} … ", &path.to_str().unwrap_or("<unprintable filename>"));
let conn = rusqlite::Connection::open(path).unwrap();
conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;", &[]).unwrap();
let foreign_keys: bool = conn.query_row("PRAGMA foreign_keys", &[], |row| row.get(0)).unwrap();
if !foreign_keys {
println!("Sqlite FOREIGN KEY support could NOT be enabled! Stopping now …");
println!("Sqlite FOREIGN KEY support enabled");
prepare_and_start_server(conn, config);
println!("No database configured. Try enableing the 'rusqlite' feature during compilation.\nLeaving now.");
mod tests;